New MICRO Team Member

New MICRO Team Member

We would like to welcome Breanna Jones to the MICRO Team! Breanna is a senior student pursuing a major in Psychology with a minor in Biology at the University of Arkansas. She is a work-study student that will be assisting the lab with scans, social media, and a...


I found a cicada on our loading dock and thought it would be something interesting to scan. It does not disappoint! You can see the dorso-longitudinal muscles (running from just behind the head to the beginning of the thorax) that contract for wing depression and the...
Porch Spindle Showing Lead-Based Paint

Porch Spindle Showing Lead-Based Paint

Mixing in a little history with this newish technology with this video. This spindle came from the porch of my great-great-grandparents, Robert and Martha Ann Blocker, located in Brandon, Texas. They moved there in the early-1900s from Carthage, Mississippi. My dad,...
Calcified Coral

Calcified Coral

A piece of calcified coral with an attached shell. From the collection of Manon Wilson. Scanned on the University of Arkansas’ microCT machine and rendered by Manon. Front of coral Shell is attached to the top. Back of the coral Looking into the...
Arkansas Quartz Crystal

Arkansas Quartz Crystal

Did you know that, in 1967, Governor Winthrop Rockefeller signed an act stating that the quartz crystal would become the official mineral for the State of Arkansas? Our state has high-quality quartz rivaled only by that found in Brazil and Madagascar. This quartz was...