Tutorials and Workshops
MICRO has developed several exercises that we hope will help users when processing and analyzing their data. Two of these are available on our blog here: Working with Image Stacks in FIJI/ImageJ and an Introduction to diceCT.
The third tutorial is a more comprehensive GitHub repository titled SPARC Teaching Resources for microCT. This resource is designed to introduce university-level students to working with CT data, and specifically reviews microCT applications relevant for archaeology. This resource was developed in conjunction with the Spatial Archaeometry Research Collaborations (SPARC) Program at the University of Arkansas.
Please feel free to reach out to micro@uark.edu if you have questions about data processing and analysis and we will do our best to assist!

Educational Outreach
Would you like to learn more about MICRO and computed tomography? MICRO is committed to sharing our science with the public. Much of our funding—the money that keeps the lab running and gives us the ability to complete our research and learn new and exciting things about the world around us—comes from taxpayers and government agencies like the National Science Foundation and the State of Arkansas. We want to share what we learn with you, and talk about why we love what we do.
If you are an educator and would like to talk with us about outreach (either in person or virtually), or we can support you, a teacher you know, or a child interested in science in any way, please contact us at micro@uark.edu or contact the Lab Principal Investigator Claire Terhune directly. Educators and their students are welcome to submit sample objects to be scanned free of charge, and we can return the data and/or a 3D model to be used in classroom exercises.
You can also visit our YouTube Channel and Twitter to learn more about what we do at MICRO and see some example scans.
Other Relevant Links
Affiliated Institutions/Groups
- Center for Advanced Spatial Technology
- Spatial Archaeometry Research Collaborations (SPARC) Program
- Terhune Lab at the University of Arkansas
- Arkansas Archaeological Survey
- University of Arkansas Museum
- Non-Clinical Tomography Users Research Network (NoCTURN)
Data Processing Tutorials/Information
Data Repositories